Friday, September 16, 2011


Ok..It has been ages since I update this blog..Well, I did have the time, I mean like now is sooooo FREE but then when I look at other ppl's blog,it's like soooo much different coz iof the pics,lots of cheery stuff n mine is like totally blah..sigh~ ok..I admit I'm a total lazy bum..well, I like to fact if u ask me to write something rite now, I hv no problem to do it coz I hv a lot in my mind just waiting to explode..from the education thingy to ppl to foods etc etc..well, I can be a novelist,mind u~hahaha

See,I notice how da children hv changed...I mean, A LOT...let me be more specific...teenagers..It's nothing new..In fact ppl find it rather normal nowadays but for me it's like hmmm...Did I ever tell that I like to observe ppl?? huhuhu...

Well, since I'm in dis education industry, I'm surrounded by lotsa it kids or teenagers...

They grow up so fast fast not in da sense of grow bigger coz of da hormone-injection-chicken ya...what I mean is to say it...(ergh...I cant find it in my vocabulary's list).'s normal for them to hv a handphone at the age of's so normal for them to hv a bf/gf at's nothing new for a 10 yrs old to hv a fb's natural for them to be sooo lovey dovey n tell da whole world abt their affection n eternal loyalty n vow...but wait...they are not cool if they are just being mere couple...holding hands is sooo yesterday..adik beradik pon pegang tgn....being a couple means we hv to do making, f***ing etc...(guys,u knw wut im trying to say,ok~)

See,thats my concern...I've heard dis kind of stories a lot when I was a relief teacher at secondary school n it really surprised me to know that a 10 yr old tried to make love wif his gf in a classroom...10 YRS OLD?????
I xknow abt others or is it just me...but honestly, I never come across the word SEX until I'm 14...tu pon blaja sains okeh...hmm...

Even for cursing ppl,they feel its like so normal to just say F*** etc etc...(dik..akak mrh org pon pggil org monyet jek..) well...ehem...of cos there's some exceptional situation where I did slipped out dat word..hehe..N being an English teacher at secondary school n being a female (and beautiful) teacher, mmg sgt2 byk cobaan~~~~ example :

       Boy no 1 :Teacher, F*** tu mksud ape??
       Me         : Eyh?korg xtau ke mksd? igtkan dh tau...korg kan lg pndai dr tcer..
       Boy no2 : Ala tcer xtau la...
       Me         : Dh,jgn nk ngegade...u xlike me when I'm angry~~
      1 class     : Tcer...bgtau la....
      Me          : IF U WANT TO KNOW WUT IT MEANS,COME AND DO IT IN FRONT OF DA       CLASS NOW!!!!! (wif da sound volume is at da max wif hands on da hips..sory baju trkoyak)

N there was dis 1 article on newspaper the last 2 days----->Teens found naked after being chased by policemen.

This so called teenagers(okla..yg ni dh bsr sket..matang dh...19 n 18 thn jek..)thought dat da most dangerous place is da safest place so they decided to hv sex at highway...being soooo in da moment, they didnt realize that there was a patrol car n da policemen were curious n wondering why there's a car stopping at da hway?ade prob ke? kete prob ke?

It's a natural thing for them to be shocked..n without much time to spare,they fled time to pakai2 blk da bajus...n off they worries...they r just fine...jst a bit embarrassed n ready to be lambasted wif ceramah,maki hamun n pelbagai by their respective parents n org2 yg trlibat...

So, I really cn understand why Wardina cried when she interviewed da girl from dis 1 shelter home...Im not a mother but I cn feel it how worried I will be to my kids...Can my girl defend herself from temptations? Can my boy fight da lust? Im not a mother yet but Im worried...Now I know why its hard to raise children...its not jst abt giving them foods,shelter n educations...

Im hoping for my happiness...Im searching for my Imam for my future guide me n my children for the path dat will guarantee us Heaven...N I pray dat Im strong n forever be sincere to guide them (my children n my students) so that they wont make the mistakes...

Now I know hw a mother feels...

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