Friday, February 10, 2012

The Punishment


Hmm..While I was teaching this morning, I heard something and for me, it was hurtful..Imagine the sound of people got hit..Kadang2 xtau nak cakap mcm mana..Pukul susah, tak pukul susah. 

The environment in Tamil school is different ya..I already know about this while I was doing my SBE (School Based Experience)..But there was no such thing happened in that school..I just heard from friends. So, to finally experience it now, well,it has been expected but to really SEE and that's NEW..huhu..In Tamil school, the punishment is kinda strict and sometimes really strict. The teachers sgt senang bagi penampar,pukulan dan rotan..Mcm ala-ala kasar dan tegas nak ajar dan hukum bdk2..hmmm..

Tapi,sgt2 respect bila budak2 sgt hormat cikgu2..kalau ckp ke apa,mesti jwb ya or tcer..xada angguk2 jek..And I learned that they really respect their teachers that they will sometimes come back to the school even after they left the school..And the parents xkesah pon anak2 dorg kena hukum mcm mana.

I am not in any position to judge. For me, ada kebaikan dan keburukan..

Kadang2 bila terlalu lembut pun susah pasal budak2 akan pijak balik kepala kita. hmm..Bila keras sgt, takut ganggu psikologi dorg..Takut makin memberontak etc..Lagi2 kat bdk2 yg besar sikit. Sebab tu ada insiden tayar pancit etc..

I don't know..I just know that I am the xsmpai hati punya cikgu..Tak cakap diri ni baik tapi setakat ni, tak pernah lagi buat bdk2 nangis psl kena pukul..Dengan mulut pernah..Yang tu rasa best la plak..hehe..Pasal masa marah2 dan bagi nasihat tu, dorg leh nangis..ecewah..dasat ayat yang kuar tu..kiki..

For me, I like to treat them like a friend (nak ckp layan mcm anak sendiri tapi rasa mcm muda jek nak anggap diri mcm ibu dorg..hohoho)..But yes, they do pijak blk kepala neh..That's why they are not really scared of me..But I'm hoping that they respect me rather than afraid or scared..

Well, as for me,perasan garang jek..Garang xsgt pon..Dengar bdk kena pukul pon leh rasa kesian. Nak buat sndr tu cmnela..Sangat respect kat cikgu disiplin..huhu

Maybe it's my instinct or maybe it's just me. Lain kali anak sendiri xtaula cmne..Seriously, I can understand the feelings of a mother..Bak kata orang, cubit peha kiri, peha kanan pon terasa (btol ke??blasah jek..hehe)

Isn't a woman great? Camne lembutnya hati seorang wanita walau sekeras mana pon nampak. That's why I can't understand how a woman can abandon her child..Maybe she has her own reason tp bl 9 bulan anak tu dengan kita, beranak dengan penuh kesakitan dan dengar suara tangisan bayi tu, hati ibu mana2 pon ttp akan tersentuh..

So, seriously, I don't know. Maybe for me, a mixture of hard and soft punishment may do..I just think if we are serious and care about them, they will know and they will respect us.

Still, I don't know...huhu!!

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